Class Reference
This is the primary facade for fulfilling GraphQL operations. See related documentation.
@phpstan-import-type ArgsMapper from Executor @phpstan-import-type FieldResolver from Executor
@see \GraphQL\Tests\GraphQLTest
GraphQL\GraphQL Methods¶
* Executes graphql query.
* More sophisticated GraphQL servers, such as those which persist queries,
* may wish to separate the validation and execution phases to a static time
* tooling step, and a server runtime step.
* Available options:
* schema:
* The GraphQL type system to use when validating and executing a query.
* source:
* A GraphQL language formatted string representing the requested operation.
* rootValue:
* The value provided as the first argument to resolver functions on the top
* level type (e.g. the query object type).
* contextValue:
* The context value is provided as an argument to resolver functions after
* field arguments. It is used to pass shared information useful at any point
* during executing this query, for example the currently logged in user and
* connections to databases or other services.
* If the passed object implements the `ScopedContext` interface,
* its `clone()` method will be called before passing the context down to a field.
* This allows passing information to child fields in the query tree without affecting sibling or parent fields.
* variableValues:
* A mapping of variable name to runtime value to use for all variables
* defined in the requestString.
* operationName:
* The name of the operation to use if requestString contains multiple
* possible operations. Can be omitted if requestString contains only
* one operation.
* fieldResolver:
* A resolver function to use when one is not provided by the schema.
* If not provided, the default field resolver is used (which looks for a
* value on the source value with the field's name).
* validationRules:
* A set of rules for query validation step. Default value is all available rules.
* Empty array would allow to skip query validation (may be convenient for persisted
* queries which are validated before persisting and assumed valid during execution)
* @param string|DocumentNode $source
* @param mixed $rootValue
* @param mixed $contextValue
* @param array<string, mixed>|null $variableValues
* @param array<ValidationRule>|null $validationRules
* @api
* @throws \Exception
* @throws InvariantViolation
static function executeQuery(
GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema,
$rootValue = null,
$contextValue = null,
?array $variableValues = null,
?string $operationName = null,
?callable $fieldResolver = null,
?array $validationRules = null
): GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult
* Same as executeQuery(), but requires PromiseAdapter and always returns a Promise.
* Useful for Async PHP platforms.
* @param string|DocumentNode $source
* @param mixed $rootValue
* @param mixed $context
* @param array<string, mixed>|null $variableValues
* @param array<ValidationRule>|null $validationRules Defaults to using all available rules
* @api
* @throws \Exception
static function promiseToExecute(
GraphQL\Executor\Promise\PromiseAdapter $promiseAdapter,
GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema,
$rootValue = null,
$context = null,
?array $variableValues = null,
?string $operationName = null,
?callable $fieldResolver = null,
?array $validationRules = null
): GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Promise
* Returns directives defined in GraphQL spec.
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @return array<string, Directive>
* @api
static function getStandardDirectives(): array
* Returns types defined in GraphQL spec.
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @return array<string, ScalarType>
* @api
static function getStandardTypes(): array
* Replaces standard types with types from this list (matching by name).
* Standard types not listed here remain untouched.
* @param array<string, ScalarType> $types
* @api
* @throws InvariantViolation
static function overrideStandardTypes(array $types): void
* Returns standard validation rules implementing GraphQL spec.
* @return array<class-string<ValidationRule>, ValidationRule>
* @api
static function getStandardValidationRules(): array
* Set default resolver implementation.
* @phpstan-param FieldResolver $fn
* @api
static function setDefaultFieldResolver(callable $fn): void
* Set default args mapper implementation.
* @phpstan-param ArgsMapper $fn
* @api
static function setDefaultArgsMapper(callable $fn): void
Registry of standard GraphQL types and base class for all other types.
GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type Methods¶
* @api
* @throws InvariantViolation
static function int(): GraphQL\Type\Definition\ScalarType
* @api
* @throws InvariantViolation
static function float(): GraphQL\Type\Definition\ScalarType
* @api
* @throws InvariantViolation
static function string(): GraphQL\Type\Definition\ScalarType
* @api
* @throws InvariantViolation
static function boolean(): GraphQL\Type\Definition\ScalarType
* @api
* @throws InvariantViolation
static function id(): GraphQL\Type\Definition\ScalarType
* @template T of Type
* @param T|callable():T $type
* @return ListOfType<T>
* @api
static function listOf($type): GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType
* @param (NullableType&Type)|callable():(NullableType&Type) $type
* @api
static function nonNull($type): GraphQL\Type\Definition\NonNull
* @param mixed $type
* @api
static function isInputType($type): bool
* @return (Type&NamedType)|null
* @api
static function getNamedType(?GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type): ?GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type
* @param mixed $type
* @api
static function isOutputType($type): bool
* @param mixed $type
* @api
static function isLeafType($type): bool
* @param mixed $type
* @api
static function isCompositeType($type): bool
* @param mixed $type
* @api
static function isAbstractType($type): bool
* @return Type&NullableType
* @api
static function getNullableType(GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type): GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type
Structure containing information useful for field resolution process.
Passed as 4th argument to every field resolver. See docs on field resolving (data fetching).
@phpstan-import-type QueryPlanOptions from QueryPlan
@phpstan-type Path list
GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo Props¶
* The definition of the field being resolved.
* @api
public $fieldDefinition;
* The name of the field being resolved.
* @api
public $fieldName;
* Expected return type of the field being resolved.
* @api
public $returnType;
* AST of all nodes referencing this field in the query.
* @api
* @var \ArrayObject<int, FieldNode>
public $fieldNodes;
* Parent type of the field being resolved.
* @api
public $parentType;
* Path to this field from the very root value. When fields are aliased, the path includes aliases.
* @api
* @var list<string|int>
* @phpstan-var Path
public $path;
* Path to this field from the very root value. This will never include aliases.
* @api
* @var list<string|int>
* @phpstan-var Path
public $unaliasedPath;
* Instance of a schema used for execution.
* @api
public $schema;
* AST of all fragments defined in query.
* @api
* @var array<string, FragmentDefinitionNode>
public $fragments;
* Root value passed to query execution.
* @api
* @var mixed
public $rootValue;
* AST of operation definition node (query, mutation).
* @api
public $operation;
* Array of variables passed to query execution.
* @api
* @var array<string, mixed>
public $variableValues;
GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo Methods¶
* Returns names of all fields selected in query for `$this->fieldName` up to `$depth` levels.
* Example:
* {
* root {
* id
* nested {
* nested1
* nested2 {
* nested3
* }
* }
* }
* }
* Given this ResolveInfo instance is a part of root field resolution, and $depth === 1,
* this method will return:
* [
* 'id' => true,
* 'nested' => [
* 'nested1' => true,
* 'nested2' => true,
* ],
* ]
* This method does not consider conditional typed fragments.
* Use it with care for fields of interface and union types.
* @param int $depth How many levels to include in the output beyond the first
* @return array<string, mixed>
* @api
function getFieldSelection(int $depth = 0): array
* Returns names and args of all fields selected in query for `$this->fieldName` up to `$depth` levels, including aliases.
* The result maps original field names to a map of selections for that field, including aliases.
* For each of those selections, you can find the following keys:
* - "args" contains the passed arguments for this field/alias (not on an union inline fragment)
* - "type" contains the related Type instance found (will be the same for all aliases of a field)
* - "selectionSet" contains potential nested fields of this field/alias (only on ObjectType). The structure is recursive from here.
* - "unions" contains potential object types contained in an UnionType (only on UnionType). The structure is recursive from here and will go through the selectionSet of the object types.
* Example:
* {
* root {
* id
* nested {
* nested1(myArg: 1)
* nested1Bis: nested1
* }
* alias1: nested {
* nested1(myArg: 2, mySecondAg: "test")
* }
* myUnion(myArg: 3) {
* ...on Nested {
* nested1(myArg: 4)
* }
* ...on MyCustomObject {
* nested3
* }
* }
* }
* }
* Given this ResolveInfo instance is a part of root field resolution,
* $depth === 1,
* and fields "nested" represents an ObjectType named "Nested",
* this method will return:
* [
* 'id' => [
* 'id' => [
* 'args' => [],
* 'type' => GraphQL\Type\Definition\IntType Object ( ... )),
* ],
* ],
* 'nested' => [
* 'nested' => [
* 'args' => [],
* 'type' => GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType Object ( ... )),
* 'selectionSet' => [
* 'nested1' => [
* 'nested1' => [
* 'args' => [
* 'myArg' => 1,
* ],
* 'type' => GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType Object ( ... )),
* ],
* 'nested1Bis' => [
* 'args' => [],
* 'type' => GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType Object ( ... )),
* ],
* ],
* ],
* ],
* ],
* 'alias1' => [
* 'alias1' => [
* 'args' => [],
* 'type' => GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType Object ( ... )),
* 'selectionSet' => [
* 'nested1' => [
* 'nested1' => [
* 'args' => [
* 'myArg' => 2,
* 'mySecondAg' => "test",
* ],
* 'type' => GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType Object ( ... )),
* ],
* ],
* ],
* ],
* ],
* 'myUnion' => [
* 'myUnion' => [
* 'args' => [
* 'myArg' => 3,
* ],
* 'type' => GraphQL\Type\Definition\UnionType Object ( ... )),
* 'unions' => [
* 'Nested' => [
* 'type' => GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType Object ( ... )),
* 'selectionSet' => [
* 'nested1' => [
* 'nested1' => [
* 'args' => [
* 'myArg' => 4,
* ],
* 'type' => GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType Object ( ... )),
* ],
* ],
* ],
* ],
* 'MyCustomObject' => [
* 'type' => GraphQL\Tests\Type\TestClasses\MyCustomType Object ( ... )),
* 'selectionSet' => [
* 'nested3' => [
* 'nested3' => [
* 'args' => [],
* 'type' => GraphQL\Type\Definition\StringType Object ( ... )),
* ],
* ],
* ],
* ],
* ],
* ],
* ],
* ]
* @param int $depth How many levels to include in the output beyond the first
* @throws \Exception
* @throws Error
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @return array<string, mixed>
* @api
function getFieldSelectionWithAliases(int $depth = 0): array
Enumeration of available directive locations.
GraphQL\Language\DirectiveLocation Constants¶
const QUERY = 'QUERY';
const FIELD = 'FIELD';
const SCHEMA = 'SCHEMA';
const SCALAR = 'SCALAR';
const OBJECT = 'OBJECT';
const UNION = 'UNION';
const ENUM = 'ENUM';
'ENUM' => 'ENUM',
const LOCATIONS = [
'ENUM' => 'ENUM',
Configuration options for schema construction.
The options accepted by the create method are described in the schema definition docs.
Usage example:
$config = SchemaConfig::create()
$schema = new Schema($config);
@see Type, NamedType
@phpstan-type MaybeLazyObjectType ObjectType|(callable(): (ObjectType|null))|null
@phpstan-type TypeLoader callable(string $typeName): ((Type&NamedType)|null)
@phpstan-type Types iterable
GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig Methods¶
* Converts an array of options to instance of SchemaConfig
* (or just returns empty config when array is not passed).
* @phpstan-param SchemaConfigOptions $options
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @api
static function create(array $options = []): self
* @return MaybeLazyObjectType
* @api
function getQuery()
* @param MaybeLazyObjectType $query
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @api
function setQuery($query): self
* @return MaybeLazyObjectType
* @api
function getMutation()
* @param MaybeLazyObjectType $mutation
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @api
function setMutation($mutation): self
* @return MaybeLazyObjectType
* @api
function getSubscription()
* @param MaybeLazyObjectType $subscription
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @api
function setSubscription($subscription): self
* @return array|callable
* @phpstan-return Types
* @api
function getTypes()
* @param array|callable $types
* @phpstan-param Types $types
* @api
function setTypes($types): self
* @return array<Directive>|null
* @api
function getDirectives(): ?array
* @param array<Directive>|null $directives
* @api
function setDirectives(?array $directives): self
* @return callable|null $typeLoader
* @phpstan-return TypeLoader|null $typeLoader
* @api
function getTypeLoader(): ?callable
* @phpstan-param TypeLoader|null $typeLoader
* @api
function setTypeLoader(?callable $typeLoader): self
Schema Definition (see schema definition docs).
A Schema is created by supplying the root types of each type of operation: query, mutation (optional) and subscription (optional). A schema definition is then supplied to the validator and executor. Usage Example:
$schema = new GraphQL\Type\Schema([
'query' => $MyAppQueryRootType,
'mutation' => $MyAppMutationRootType,
Or using Schema Config instance:
$config = GraphQL\Type\SchemaConfig::create()
$schema = new GraphQL\Type\Schema($config);
@phpstan-import-type SchemaConfigOptions from SchemaConfig @phpstan-import-type OperationType from OperationDefinitionNode
@see \GraphQL\Tests\Type\SchemaTest
GraphQL\Type\Schema Methods¶
* @param SchemaConfig|array<string, mixed> $config
* @phpstan-param SchemaConfig|SchemaConfigOptions $config
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @api
function __construct($config)
* Returns all types in this schema.
* This operation requires a full schema scan. Do not use in production environment.
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @return array<string, Type&NamedType> Keys represent type names, values are instances of corresponding type definitions
* @api
function getTypeMap(): array
* Returns a list of directives supported by this schema.
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @return array<Directive>
* @api
function getDirectives(): array
* Returns root query type.
* @api
function getQueryType(): ?GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType
* Returns root mutation type.
* @api
function getMutationType(): ?GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType
* Returns schema subscription.
* @api
function getSubscriptionType(): ?GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType
* Returns a type by name.
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @return (Type&NamedType)|null
* @api
function getType(string $name): ?GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type
* Returns all possible concrete types for given abstract type
* (implementations for interfaces and members of union type for unions).
* This operation requires full schema scan. Do not use in production environment.
* @param AbstractType&Type $abstractType
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @return array<ObjectType>
* @api
function getPossibleTypes(GraphQL\Type\Definition\AbstractType $abstractType): array
* Returns all types that implement a given interface type.
* This operation requires full schema scan. Do not use in production environment.
* @api
* @throws InvariantViolation
function getImplementations(GraphQL\Type\Definition\InterfaceType $abstractType): GraphQL\Utils\InterfaceImplementations
* Returns true if the given type is a sub type of the given abstract type.
* @param AbstractType&Type $abstractType
* @param ImplementingType&Type $maybeSubType
* @api
* @throws InvariantViolation
function isSubType(
GraphQL\Type\Definition\AbstractType $abstractType,
GraphQL\Type\Definition\ImplementingType $maybeSubType
): bool
* Returns instance of directive by name.
* @api
* @throws InvariantViolation
function getDirective(string $name): ?GraphQL\Type\Definition\Directive
* Throws if the schema is not valid.
* This operation requires a full schema scan. Do not use in production environment.
* @throws Error
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @api
function assertValid(): void
* Validate the schema and return any errors.
* This operation requires a full schema scan. Do not use in production environment.
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @return array<int, Error>
* @api
function validate(): array
Parses string containing GraphQL query language or schema definition language to Abstract Syntax Tree.
@phpstan-type ParserOptions array{ noLocation?: bool, allowLegacySDLEmptyFields?: bool, allowLegacySDLImplementsInterfaces?: bool, experimentalFragmentVariables?: bool }
noLocation: (By default, the parser creates AST nodes that know the location in the source that they correspond to. This configuration flag disables that behavior for performance or testing.)
allowLegacySDLEmptyFields: If enabled, the parser will parse empty fields sets in the Schema Definition Language. Otherwise, the parser will follow the current specification.
This option is provided to ease adoption of the final SDL specification and will be removed in a future major release.
If enabled, the parser will parse implemented interfaces with no &
character between each interface. Otherwise, the parser will follow the
current specification.
This option is provided to ease adoption of the final SDL specification and will be removed in a future major release.
(If enabled, the parser will understand and parse variable definitions
contained in a fragment definition. They'll be represented in the
field of the FragmentDefinitionNode.
The syntax is identical to normal, query-defined variables. For example:
fragment A($var: Boolean = false) on T {
Note: this feature is experimental and may change or be removed in the future.) Those magic functions allow partial parsing:
@method static NameNode name(Source|string $source, ParserOptions $options = [])
@method static ExecutableDefinitionNode|TypeSystemDefinitionNode definition(Source|string $source, ParserOptions $options = [])
@method static ExecutableDefinitionNode executableDefinition(Source|string $source, ParserOptions $options = [])
@method static OperationDefinitionNode operationDefinition(Source|string $source, ParserOptions $options = [])
@method static string operationType(Source|string $source, ParserOptions $options = [])
@method static NodeList
@see \GraphQL\Tests\Language\ParserTest
GraphQL\Language\Parser Methods¶
* Given a GraphQL source, parses it into a `GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode`.
* Throws `GraphQL\Error\SyntaxError` if a syntax error is encountered.
* @param Source|string $source
* @phpstan-param ParserOptions $options
* @api
* @throws \JsonException
* @throws SyntaxError
static function parse($source, array $options = []): GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode
* Given a string containing a GraphQL value (ex. `[42]`), parse the AST for that value.
* Throws `GraphQL\Error\SyntaxError` if a syntax error is encountered.
* This is useful within tools that operate upon GraphQL Values directly and
* in isolation of complete GraphQL documents.
* Consider providing the results to the utility function: `GraphQL\Utils\AST::valueFromAST()`.
* @param Source|string $source
* @phpstan-param ParserOptions $options
* @throws \JsonException
* @throws SyntaxError
* @return BooleanValueNode|EnumValueNode|FloatValueNode|IntValueNode|ListValueNode|NullValueNode|ObjectValueNode|StringValueNode|VariableNode
* @api
static function parseValue($source, array $options = [])
* Given a string containing a GraphQL Type (ex. `[Int!]`), parse the AST for that type.
* Throws `GraphQL\Error\SyntaxError` if a syntax error is encountered.
* This is useful within tools that operate upon GraphQL Types directly and
* in isolation of complete GraphQL documents.
* Consider providing the results to the utility function: `GraphQL\Utils\AST::typeFromAST()`.
* @param Source|string $source
* @phpstan-param ParserOptions $options
* @throws \JsonException
* @throws SyntaxError
* @return ListTypeNode|NamedTypeNode|NonNullTypeNode
* @api
static function parseType($source, array $options = [])
Prints AST to string. Capable of printing GraphQL queries and Type definition language. Useful for pretty-printing queries or printing back AST for logging, documentation, etc.
Usage example:
$query = 'query myQuery {someField}';
$ast = GraphQL\Language\Parser::parse($query);
$printed = GraphQL\Language\Printer::doPrint($ast);
@see \GraphQL\Tests\Language\PrinterTest
GraphQL\Language\Printer Methods¶
* Converts the AST of a GraphQL node to a string.
* Handles both executable definitions and schema definitions.
* @api
static function doPrint(GraphQL\Language\AST\Node $ast): string
Utility for efficient AST traversal and modification.
will walk through an AST using a depth first traversal, calling
the visitor's enter function at each node in the traversal, and calling the
leave function after visiting that node and all of its child nodes.
By returning different values from the enter
and leave
functions, the
behavior of the visitor can be altered.
- no return (
) or returnnull
: no action Visitor::skipNode()
: skips over the subtree at the current node of the ASTVisitor::stop()
: stop the Visitor completelyVisitor::removeNode()
: remove the current node- return any other value: replace this node with the returned value
When using visit()
to edit an AST, the original AST will not be modified, and
a new version of the AST with the changes applied will be returned from the
visit function.
$editedAST = Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'enter' => function ($node, $key, $parent, $path, $ancestors) { // ... }, 'leave' => function ($node, $key, $parent, $path, $ancestors) { // ... } ]);
Alternatively to providing enter
and leave
functions, a visitor can
instead provide functions named the same as the kinds of AST nodes,
or enter/leave visitors at a named key, leading to four permutations of
visitor API:
- Named visitors triggered when entering a node a specific kind.
Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'Kind' => function ($node) { // enter the "Kind" node } ]);
- Named visitors that trigger upon entering and leaving a node of a specific kind.
Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'Kind' => [ 'enter' => function ($node) { // enter the "Kind" node } 'leave' => function ($node) { // leave the "Kind" node } ] ]);
- Generic visitors that trigger upon entering and leaving any node.
Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'enter' => function ($node) { // enter any node }, 'leave' => function ($node) { // leave any node } ]);
- Parallel visitors for entering and leaving nodes of a specific kind.
Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'enter' => [ 'Kind' => function($node) { // enter the "Kind" node } }, 'leave' => [ 'Kind' => function ($node) { // leave the "Kind" node } ] ]);
@phpstan-type NodeVisitor callable(Node): (VisitorOperation|null|false|void)
@phpstan-type VisitorArray array
@see \GraphQL\Tests\Language\VisitorTest
GraphQL\Language\Visitor Methods¶
* Visit the AST (see class description for details).
* @param NodeList<Node>|Node $root
* @param VisitorArray $visitor
* @param array<string, mixed>|null $keyMap
* @throws \Exception
* @return mixed
* @api
static function visit(object $root, array $visitor, ?array $keyMap = null)
* Returns marker for stopping.
* @api
static function stop(): GraphQL\Language\VisitorStop
* Returns marker for skipping the subtree at the current node.
* @api
static function skipNode(): GraphQL\Language\VisitorSkipNode
* Returns marker for removing the current node.
* @api
static function removeNode(): GraphQL\Language\VisitorRemoveNode
Holds constants of possible AST nodes.
GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeKind Constants¶
const NAME = 'Name';
const DOCUMENT = 'Document';
const OPERATION_DEFINITION = 'OperationDefinition';
const VARIABLE_DEFINITION = 'VariableDefinition';
const VARIABLE = 'Variable';
const SELECTION_SET = 'SelectionSet';
const FIELD = 'Field';
const ARGUMENT = 'Argument';
const FRAGMENT_SPREAD = 'FragmentSpread';
const INLINE_FRAGMENT = 'InlineFragment';
const FRAGMENT_DEFINITION = 'FragmentDefinition';
const INT = 'IntValue';
const FLOAT = 'FloatValue';
const STRING = 'StringValue';
const BOOLEAN = 'BooleanValue';
const ENUM = 'EnumValue';
const NULL = 'NullValue';
const LST = 'ListValue';
const OBJECT = 'ObjectValue';
const OBJECT_FIELD = 'ObjectField';
const DIRECTIVE = 'Directive';
const NAMED_TYPE = 'NamedType';
const LIST_TYPE = 'ListType';
const NON_NULL_TYPE = 'NonNullType';
const SCHEMA_DEFINITION = 'SchemaDefinition';
const OPERATION_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'OperationTypeDefinition';
const SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'ScalarTypeDefinition';
const OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'ObjectTypeDefinition';
const FIELD_DEFINITION = 'FieldDefinition';
const INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION = 'InputValueDefinition';
const INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'InterfaceTypeDefinition';
const UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'UnionTypeDefinition';
const ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'EnumTypeDefinition';
const ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION = 'EnumValueDefinition';
const INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION = 'InputObjectTypeDefinition';
const SCALAR_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'ScalarTypeExtension';
const OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'ObjectTypeExtension';
const INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'InterfaceTypeExtension';
const UNION_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'UnionTypeExtension';
const ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'EnumTypeExtension';
const INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'InputObjectTypeExtension';
const DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION = 'DirectiveDefinition';
const SCHEMA_EXTENSION = 'SchemaExtension';
const CLASS_MAP = [
'Name' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\NameNode',
'Document' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\DocumentNode',
'OperationDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\OperationDefinitionNode',
'VariableDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\VariableDefinitionNode',
'Variable' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\VariableNode',
'SelectionSet' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\SelectionSetNode',
'Field' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\FieldNode',
'Argument' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\ArgumentNode',
'FragmentSpread' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\FragmentSpreadNode',
'InlineFragment' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\InlineFragmentNode',
'FragmentDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\FragmentDefinitionNode',
'IntValue' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\IntValueNode',
'FloatValue' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\FloatValueNode',
'StringValue' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\StringValueNode',
'BooleanValue' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\BooleanValueNode',
'EnumValue' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\EnumValueNode',
'NullValue' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\NullValueNode',
'ListValue' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\ListValueNode',
'ObjectValue' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\ObjectValueNode',
'ObjectField' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\ObjectFieldNode',
'Directive' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\DirectiveNode',
'NamedType' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\NamedTypeNode',
'ListType' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\ListTypeNode',
'NonNullType' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\NonNullTypeNode',
'SchemaDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\SchemaDefinitionNode',
'OperationTypeDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\OperationTypeDefinitionNode',
'ScalarTypeDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\ScalarTypeDefinitionNode',
'ObjectTypeDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\ObjectTypeDefinitionNode',
'FieldDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\FieldDefinitionNode',
'InputValueDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\InputValueDefinitionNode',
'InterfaceTypeDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode',
'UnionTypeDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\UnionTypeDefinitionNode',
'EnumTypeDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\EnumTypeDefinitionNode',
'EnumValueDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\EnumValueDefinitionNode',
'InputObjectTypeDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode',
'ScalarTypeExtension' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\ScalarTypeExtensionNode',
'ObjectTypeExtension' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\ObjectTypeExtensionNode',
'InterfaceTypeExtension' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\InterfaceTypeExtensionNode',
'UnionTypeExtension' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\UnionTypeExtensionNode',
'EnumTypeExtension' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\EnumTypeExtensionNode',
'InputObjectTypeExtension' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\InputObjectTypeExtensionNode',
'DirectiveDefinition' => 'GraphQL\\Language\\AST\\DirectiveDefinitionNode',
Implements the "Evaluating requests" section of the GraphQL specification.
@phpstan-type ArgsMapper callable(array
@see \GraphQL\Tests\Executor\ExecutorTest
GraphQL\Executor\Executor Methods¶
* Executes DocumentNode against given $schema.
* Always returns ExecutionResult and never throws.
* All errors which occur during operation execution are collected in `$result->errors`.
* @param mixed $rootValue
* @param mixed $contextValue
* @param array<string, mixed>|null $variableValues
* @phpstan-param FieldResolver|null $fieldResolver
* @api
* @throws InvariantViolation
static function execute(
GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema,
GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode $documentNode,
$rootValue = null,
$contextValue = null,
?array $variableValues = null,
?string $operationName = null,
?callable $fieldResolver = null
): GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult
* Same as execute(), but requires promise adapter and returns a promise which is always
* fulfilled with an instance of ExecutionResult and never rejected.
* Useful for async PHP platforms.
* @param mixed $rootValue
* @param mixed $contextValue
* @param array<string, mixed>|null $variableValues
* @phpstan-param FieldResolver|null $fieldResolver
* @phpstan-param ArgsMapper|null $argsMapper
* @api
static function promiseToExecute(
GraphQL\Executor\Promise\PromiseAdapter $promiseAdapter,
GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema,
GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode $documentNode,
$rootValue = null,
$contextValue = null,
?array $variableValues = null,
?string $operationName = null,
?callable $fieldResolver = null,
?callable $argsMapper = null
): GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Promise
When the object passed as $contextValue
to GraphQL execution implements this,
its clone()
method will be called before passing the context down to a field.
This allows passing information to child fields in the query tree without affecting sibling or parent fields.
Returned after query execution.
Represents both - result of successful execution and of a failed one
(with errors collected in errors
Could be converted to spec-compliant
serializable array using toArray()
@phpstan-type SerializableError array{
message: string,
locations?: array
@see \GraphQL\Tests\Executor\ExecutionResultTest
GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult Props¶
* Data collected from resolvers during query execution.
* @api
* @var array<string, mixed>|null
public $data;
* Errors registered during query execution.
* If an error was caused by exception thrown in resolver, $error->getPrevious() would
* contain original exception.
* @api
* @var list<Error>
public $errors;
* User-defined serializable array of extensions included in serialized result.
* @api
* @var array<string, mixed>|null
public $extensions;
GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult Methods¶
* Define custom error formatting (must conform to
* Expected signature is: function (GraphQL\Error\Error $error): array
* Default formatter is "GraphQL\Error\FormattedError::createFromException"
* Expected returned value must be an array:
* array(
* 'message' => 'errorMessage',
* // ... other keys
* );
* @phpstan-param ErrorFormatter|null $errorFormatter
* @api
function setErrorFormatter(?callable $errorFormatter): self
* Define custom logic for error handling (filtering, logging, etc).
* Expected handler signature is:
* fn (array $errors, callable $formatter): array
* Default handler is:
* fn (array $errors, callable $formatter): array => array_map($formatter, $errors)
* @phpstan-param ErrorsHandler|null $errorsHandler
* @api
function setErrorsHandler(?callable $errorsHandler): self
* Converts GraphQL query result to spec-compliant serializable array using provided
* errors handler and formatter.
* If debug argument is passed, output of error formatter is enriched which debugging information
* ("debugMessage", "trace" keys depending on flags).
* $debug argument must sum of flags from @see \GraphQL\Error\DebugFlag
* @phpstan-return SerializableResult
* @api
function toArray(int $debug = 'GraphQL\\Error\\DebugFlag::NONE'): array
Provides a means for integration of async PHP platforms (related docs).
GraphQL\Executor\Promise\PromiseAdapter Methods¶
* Is the value a promise or a deferred of the underlying platform?
* @param mixed $value
* @api
function isThenable($value): bool
* Converts thenable of the underlying platform into GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Promise instance.
* @param mixed $thenable
* @api
function convertThenable($thenable): GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Promise
* Accepts our Promise wrapper, extracts adopted promise out of it and executes actual `then` logic described
* in Promises/A+ specs. Then returns new wrapped instance of GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Promise.
* @api
function then(
GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Promise $promise,
?callable $onFulfilled = null,
?callable $onRejected = null
): GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Promise
* Creates a Promise from the given resolver callable.
* @param callable(callable $resolve, callable $reject): void $resolver
* @api
function create(callable $resolver): GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Promise
* Creates a fulfilled Promise for a value if the value is not a promise.
* @param mixed $value
* @api
function createFulfilled($value = null): GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Promise
* Creates a rejected promise for a reason if the reason is not a promise.
* If the provided reason is a promise, then it is returned as-is.
* @api
function createRejected(Throwable $reason): GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Promise
* Given an iterable of promises (or values), returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the
* items in the iterable are fulfilled.
* @param iterable<Promise|mixed> $promisesOrValues
* @api
function all(iterable $promisesOrValues): GraphQL\Executor\Promise\Promise
Implements the "Validation" section of the spec.
Validation runs synchronously, returning an array of encountered errors, or an empty array if no errors were encountered and the document is valid.
A list of specific validation rules may be provided. If not provided, the default list of rules defined by the GraphQL specification will be used.
Each validation rule is an instance of GraphQL\Validator\Rules\ValidationRule which returns a visitor (see the GraphQL\Language\Visitor API).
Visitor methods are expected to return an instance of GraphQL\Error\Error, or array of such instances when invalid.
Optionally a custom TypeInfo instance may be provided. If not provided, one will be created from the provided schema.
GraphQL\Validator\DocumentValidator Methods¶
* Validate a GraphQL query against a schema.
* @param array<ValidationRule>|null $rules Defaults to using all available rules
* @throws \Exception
* @return list<Error>
* @api
static function validate(
GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema,
GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode $ast,
?array $rules = null,
?GraphQL\Utils\TypeInfo $typeInfo = null
): array
* Returns all global validation rules.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @return array<string, ValidationRule>
* @api
static function allRules(): array
* Returns global validation rule by name.
* Standard rules are named by class name, so example usage for such rules:
* @example DocumentValidator::getRule(GraphQL\Validator\Rules\QueryComplexity::class);
* @api
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
static function getRule(string $name): ?GraphQL\Validator\Rules\ValidationRule
* Add rule to list of global validation rules.
* @api
static function addRule(GraphQL\Validator\Rules\ValidationRule $rule): void
* Remove rule from list of global validation rules.
* @api
static function removeRule(GraphQL\Validator\Rules\ValidationRule $rule): void
Describes an Error found during the parse, validate, or execute phases of performing a GraphQL operation. In addition to a message and stack trace, it also includes information about the locations in a GraphQL document and/or execution result that correspond to the Error.
When the error was caused by an exception thrown in resolver, original exception
is available via getPrevious()
Also read related docs on error handling
Class extends standard PHP \Exception
, so all standard methods of base \Exception
are available in addition to those listed below.
@see \GraphQL\Tests\Error\ErrorTest
GraphQL\Error\Error Methods¶
* An array of locations within the source GraphQL document which correspond to this error.
* Each entry has information about `line` and `column` within source GraphQL document:
* $location->line;
* $location->column;
* Errors during validation often contain multiple locations, for example to
* point out to field mentioned in multiple fragments. Errors during execution include a
* single location, the field which produced the error.
* @return array<int, SourceLocation>
* @api
function getLocations(): array
* Returns an array describing the path from the root value to the field which produced this error.
* Only included for execution errors. When fields are aliased, the path includes aliases.
* @return list<int|string>|null
* @api
function getPath(): ?array
* Returns an array describing the path from the root value to the field which produced this error.
* Only included for execution errors. This will never include aliases.
* @return list<int|string>|null
* @api
function getUnaliasedPath(): ?array
Encapsulates warnings produced by the library.
Warnings can be suppressed (individually or all) if required. Also, it is possible to override warning handler (which is trigger_error() by default).
@phpstan-type WarningHandler callable(string $errorMessage, int $warningId, ?int $messageLevel): void
GraphQL\Error\Warning Constants¶
const NONE = 0;
const WARNING_NOT_A_TYPE = 32;
const ALL = 63;
GraphQL\Error\Warning Methods¶
* Sets warning handler which can intercept all system warnings.
* When not set, trigger_error() is used to notify about warnings.
* @phpstan-param WarningHandler|null $warningHandler
* @api
static function setWarningHandler(?callable $warningHandler = null): void
* Suppress warning by id (has no effect when custom warning handler is set).
* @param bool|int $suppress
* @example Warning::suppress(Warning::WARNING_NOT_A_TYPE) suppress a specific warning
* @example Warning::suppress(true) suppresses all warnings
* @example Warning::suppress(false) enables all warnings
* @api
static function suppress($suppress = true): void
* Re-enable previously suppressed warning by id (has no effect when custom warning handler is set).
* @param bool|int $enable
* @example Warning::suppress(Warning::WARNING_NOT_A_TYPE) re-enables a specific warning
* @example Warning::suppress(true) re-enables all warnings
* @example Warning::suppress(false) suppresses all warnings
* @api
static function enable($enable = true): void
Implementing ClientAware allows graphql-php to decide if this error is safe to be shown to clients.
Only errors that both implement this interface and return true from isClientSafe()
will retain their original error message during formatting.
All other errors will have their message replaced with "Internal server error".
GraphQL\Error\ClientAware Methods¶
* Is it safe to show the error message to clients?
* @api
function isClientSafe(): bool
Collection of flags for error debugging.
GraphQL\Error\DebugFlag Constants¶
const NONE = 0;
const INCLUDE_TRACE = 2;
This class is used for default error formatting. It converts PHP exceptions to spec-compliant errors and provides tools for error debugging.
@see ExecutionResult
@phpstan-import-type SerializableError from ExecutionResult @phpstan-import-type ErrorFormatter from ExecutionResult
@see \GraphQL\Tests\Error\FormattedErrorTest
GraphQL\Error\FormattedError Methods¶
* Set default error message for internal errors formatted using createFormattedError().
* This value can be overridden by passing 3rd argument to `createFormattedError()`.
* @api
static function setInternalErrorMessage(string $msg): void
* Convert any exception to a GraphQL spec compliant array.
* This method only exposes the exception message when the given exception
* implements the ClientAware interface, or when debug flags are passed.
* For a list of available debug flags @see \GraphQL\Error\DebugFlag constants.
* @return SerializableError
* @api
static function createFromException(
Throwable $exception,
int $debugFlag = 'GraphQL\\Error\\DebugFlag::NONE',
?string $internalErrorMessage = null
): array
* Returns error trace as serializable array.
* @return array<int, array{
* file?: string,
* line?: int,
* function?: string,
* call?: string,
* }>
* @api
static function toSafeTrace(Throwable $error): array
GraphQL server compatible with both: express-graphql and Apollo Server. Usage Example:.
$server = new StandardServer([
'schema' => $mySchema
Or using ServerConfig instance:
$config = GraphQL\Server\ServerConfig::create()
$server = new GraphQL\Server\StandardServer($config);
See dedicated section in docs for details.
@see \GraphQL\Tests\Server\StandardServerTest
GraphQL\Server\StandardServer Methods¶
* @param ServerConfig|array<string, mixed> $config
* @api
* @throws InvariantViolation
function __construct($config)
* Parses HTTP request, executes and emits response (using standard PHP `header` function and `echo`).
* When $parsedBody is not set, it uses PHP globals to parse a request.
* It is possible to implement request parsing elsewhere (e.g. using framework Request instance)
* and then pass it to the server.
* See `executeRequest()` if you prefer to emit the response yourself
* (e.g. using the Response object of some framework).
* @param OperationParams|array<OperationParams> $parsedBody
* @api
* @throws \Exception
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @throws RequestError
function handleRequest($parsedBody = null): void
* Executes a GraphQL operation and returns an execution result
* (or promise when promise adapter is different from SyncPromiseAdapter).
* When $parsedBody is not set, it uses PHP globals to parse a request.
* It is possible to implement request parsing elsewhere (e.g. using framework Request instance)
* and then pass it to the server.
* PSR-7 compatible method executePsrRequest() does exactly this.
* @param OperationParams|array<OperationParams> $parsedBody
* @throws \Exception
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @throws RequestError
* @return ExecutionResult|array<int, ExecutionResult>|Promise
* @api
function executeRequest($parsedBody = null)
* Executes PSR-7 request and fulfills PSR-7 response.
* See `executePsrRequest()` if you prefer to create response yourself
* (e.g. using specific JsonResponse instance of some framework).
* @throws \Exception
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \JsonException
* @throws \RuntimeException
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @throws RequestError
* @return ResponseInterface|Promise
* @api
function processPsrRequest(
Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request,
Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response,
Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface $writableBodyStream
* Executes GraphQL operation and returns execution result
* (or promise when promise adapter is different from SyncPromiseAdapter).
* @throws \Exception
* @throws \JsonException
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @throws RequestError
* @return ExecutionResult|array<int, ExecutionResult>|Promise
* @api
function executePsrRequest(Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request)
Server configuration class. Could be passed directly to server constructor. List of options accepted by create method is described in docs.
Usage example:
$config = GraphQL\Server\ServerConfig::create()
$server = new GraphQL\Server\StandardServer($config);
@see ExecutionResult
@phpstan-type PersistedQueryLoader callable(string $queryId, OperationParams $operation): (string|DocumentNode)
@phpstan-type RootValueResolver callable(OperationParams $operation, DocumentNode $doc, string $operationType): mixed
@phpstan-type ValidationRulesOption array
@phpstan-import-type ErrorsHandler from ExecutionResult @phpstan-import-type ErrorFormatter from ExecutionResult
@see \GraphQL\Tests\Server\ServerConfigTest
GraphQL\Server\ServerConfig Methods¶
* Converts an array of options to instance of ServerConfig
* (or just returns empty config when array is not passed).
* @param array<string, mixed> $config
* @api
* @throws InvariantViolation
static function create(array $config = []): self
* @param mixed|callable $context
* @api
function setContext($context): self
* @param mixed|callable $rootValue
* @phpstan-param mixed|RootValueResolver $rootValue
* @api
function setRootValue($rootValue): self
* @phpstan-param ErrorFormatter $errorFormatter
* @api
function setErrorFormatter(callable $errorFormatter): self
* @phpstan-param ErrorsHandler $handler
* @api
function setErrorsHandler(callable $handler): self
* Set validation rules for this server.
* @param array<ValidationRule>|callable|null $validationRules
* @phpstan-param ValidationRulesOption $validationRules
* @api
function setValidationRules($validationRules): self
* @phpstan-param PersistedQueryLoader|null $persistedQueryLoader
* @api
function setPersistedQueryLoader(?callable $persistedQueryLoader): self
* Set response debug flags.
* @see \GraphQL\Error\DebugFlag class for a list of all available flags
* @api
function setDebugFlag(int $debugFlag = 'GraphQL\\Error\\DebugFlag::INCLUDE_DEBUG_MESSAGE'): self
* Allow batching queries (disabled by default).
* @api
function setQueryBatching(bool $enableBatching): self
Contains functionality that could be re-used by various server implementations.
@see \GraphQL\Tests\Server\HelperTest
GraphQL\Server\Helper Methods¶
* Parses HTTP request using PHP globals and returns GraphQL OperationParams
* contained in this request. For batched requests it returns an array of OperationParams.
* This function does not check validity of these params
* (validation is performed separately in validateOperationParams() method).
* If $readRawBodyFn argument is not provided - will attempt to read raw request body
* from `php://input` stream.
* Internally it normalizes input to $method, $bodyParams and $queryParams and
* calls `parseRequestParams()` to produce actual return value.
* For PSR-7 request parsing use `parsePsrRequest()` instead.
* @throws RequestError
* @return OperationParams|array<int, OperationParams>
* @api
function parseHttpRequest(?callable $readRawBodyFn = null)
* Parses normalized request params and returns instance of OperationParams
* or array of OperationParams in case of batch operation.
* Returned value is a suitable input for `executeOperation` or `executeBatch` (if array)
* @param array<mixed> $bodyParams
* @param array<mixed> $queryParams
* @throws RequestError
* @return OperationParams|array<int, OperationParams>
* @api
function parseRequestParams(string $method, array $bodyParams, array $queryParams)
* Checks validity of OperationParams extracted from HTTP request and returns an array of errors
* if params are invalid (or empty array when params are valid).
* @return list<RequestError>
* @api
function validateOperationParams(GraphQL\Server\OperationParams $params): array
* Executes GraphQL operation with given server configuration and returns execution result
* (or promise when promise adapter is different from SyncPromiseAdapter).
* @throws \Exception
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @return ExecutionResult|Promise
* @api
function executeOperation(GraphQL\Server\ServerConfig $config, GraphQL\Server\OperationParams $op)
* Executes batched GraphQL operations with shared promise queue
* (thus, effectively batching deferreds|promises of all queries at once).
* @param array<OperationParams> $operations
* @throws \Exception
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @return array<int, ExecutionResult>|Promise
* @api
function executeBatch(GraphQL\Server\ServerConfig $config, array $operations)
* Send response using standard PHP `header()` and `echo`.
* @param Promise|ExecutionResult|array<ExecutionResult> $result
* @api
* @throws \JsonException
function sendResponse($result): void
* Converts PSR-7 request to OperationParams or an array thereof.
* @throws RequestError
* @return OperationParams|array<OperationParams>
* @api
function parsePsrRequest(Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request)
* Converts query execution result to PSR-7 response.
* @param Promise|ExecutionResult|array<ExecutionResult> $result
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \JsonException
* @throws \RuntimeException
* @return Promise|ResponseInterface
* @api
function toPsrResponse(
Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response,
Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface $writableBodyStream
Structure representing parsed HTTP parameters for GraphQL operation.
The properties in this class are not strictly typed, as this class is only meant to serve as an intermediary representation which is not yet validated.
GraphQL\Server\OperationParams Props¶
* Id of the query (when using persisted queries).
* Valid aliases (case-insensitive):
* - id
* - queryId
* - documentId
* @api
* @var mixed should be string|null
public $queryId;
* A document containing GraphQL operations and fragments to execute.
* @api
* @var mixed should be string|null
public $query;
* The name of the operation in the document to execute.
* @api
* @var mixed should be string|null
public $operation;
* Values for any variables defined by the operation.
* @api
* @var mixed should be array<string, mixed>
public $variables;
* Reserved for implementors to extend the protocol however they see fit.
* @api
* @var mixed should be array<string, mixed>
public $extensions;
* Executed in read-only context (e.g. via HTTP GET request)?
* @api
public $readOnly;
* The raw params used to construct this instance.
* @api
* @var array<string, mixed>
public $originalInput;
GraphQL\Server\OperationParams Methods¶
* Creates an instance from given array.
* @param array<string, mixed> $params
* @api
static function create(array $params, bool $readonly = false): GraphQL\Server\OperationParams
Build instance of @see \GraphQL\Type\Schema out of schema language definition (string or parsed AST).
See schema definition language docs for details.
@phpstan-import-type TypeConfigDecorator from ASTDefinitionBuilder @phpstan-import-type FieldConfigDecorator from ASTDefinitionBuilder
@phpstan-type BuildSchemaOptions array{ assumeValid?: bool, assumeValidSDL?: bool }
- assumeValid: When building a schema from a GraphQL service's introspection result, it might be safe to assume the schema is valid. Set to true to assume the produced schema is valid.
Default: false
- assumeValidSDL: Set to true to assume the SDL is valid.
Default: false
@see \GraphQL\Tests\Utils\BuildSchemaTest
GraphQL\Utils\BuildSchema Methods¶
* A helper function to build a GraphQLSchema directly from a source
* document.
* @param DocumentNode|Source|string $source
* @phpstan-param TypeConfigDecorator|null $typeConfigDecorator
* @phpstan-param FieldConfigDecorator|null $fieldConfigDecorator
* @param array<string, bool> $options
* @phpstan-param BuildSchemaOptions $options
* @api
* @throws \Exception
* @throws \ReflectionException
* @throws Error
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @throws SyntaxError
static function build(
?callable $typeConfigDecorator = null,
array $options = [],
?callable $fieldConfigDecorator = null
): GraphQL\Type\Schema
* This takes the AST of a schema from @see \GraphQL\Language\Parser::parse().
* If no schema definition is provided, then it will look for types named Query and Mutation.
* Given that AST it constructs a @see \GraphQL\Type\Schema. The resulting schema
* has no resolve methods, so execution will use default resolvers.
* @phpstan-param TypeConfigDecorator|null $typeConfigDecorator
* @phpstan-param FieldConfigDecorator|null $fieldConfigDecorator
* @param array<string, bool> $options
* @phpstan-param BuildSchemaOptions $options
* @api
* @throws \Exception
* @throws \ReflectionException
* @throws Error
* @throws InvariantViolation
static function buildAST(
GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode $ast,
?callable $typeConfigDecorator = null,
array $options = [],
?callable $fieldConfigDecorator = null
): GraphQL\Type\Schema
Various utilities dealing with AST.
GraphQL\Utils\AST Methods¶
* Convert representation of AST as an associative array to instance of GraphQL\Language\AST\Node.
* For example:
* ```php
* AST::fromArray([
* 'kind' => 'ListValue',
* 'values' => [
* ['kind' => 'StringValue', 'value' => 'my str'],
* ['kind' => 'StringValue', 'value' => 'my other str']
* ],
* 'loc' => ['start' => 21, 'end' => 25]
* ]);
* ```
* Will produce instance of `ListValueNode` where `values` prop is a lazily-evaluated `NodeList`
* returning instances of `StringValueNode` on access.
* This is a reverse operation for AST::toArray($node)
* @param array<string, mixed> $node
* @api
* @throws \JsonException
* @throws InvariantViolation
static function fromArray(array $node): GraphQL\Language\AST\Node
* Convert AST node to serializable array.
* @return array<string, mixed>
* @api
static function toArray(GraphQL\Language\AST\Node $node): array
* Produces a GraphQL Value AST given a PHP value.
* Optionally, a GraphQL type may be provided, which will be used to
* disambiguate between value primitives.
* | PHP Value | GraphQL Value |
* | ------------- | -------------------- |
* | Object | Input Object |
* | Assoc Array | Input Object |
* | Array | List |
* | Boolean | Boolean |
* | String | String / Enum Value |
* | Int | Int |
* | Float | Int / Float |
* | Mixed | Enum Value |
* | null | NullValue |
* @param mixed $value
* @param InputType&Type $type
* @throws \JsonException
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @throws SerializationError
* @return (ValueNode&Node)|null
* @api
static function astFromValue($value, GraphQL\Type\Definition\InputType $type): ?GraphQL\Language\AST\ValueNode
* Produces a PHP value given a GraphQL Value AST.
* A GraphQL type must be provided, which will be used to interpret different
* GraphQL Value literals.
* Returns `null` when the value could not be validly coerced according to
* the provided type.
* | GraphQL Value | PHP Value |
* | -------------------- | ------------- |
* | Input Object | Assoc Array |
* | List | Array |
* | Boolean | Boolean |
* | String | String |
* | Int / Float | Int / Float |
* | Enum Value | Mixed |
* | Null Value | null |
* @param (ValueNode&Node)|null $valueNode
* @param array<string, mixed>|null $variables
* @throws \Exception
* @return mixed
* @api
static function valueFromAST(
?GraphQL\Language\AST\ValueNode $valueNode,
GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type $type,
?array $variables = null
* Produces a PHP value given a GraphQL Value AST.
* Unlike `valueFromAST()`, no type is provided. The resulting PHP value
* will reflect the provided GraphQL value AST.
* | GraphQL Value | PHP Value |
* | -------------------- | ------------- |
* | Input Object | Assoc Array |
* | List | Array |
* | Boolean | Boolean |
* | String | String |
* | Int / Float | Int / Float |
* | Enum | Mixed |
* | Null | null |
* @param array<string, mixed>|null $variables
* @throws \Exception
* @return mixed
* @api
static function valueFromASTUntyped(GraphQL\Language\AST\Node $valueNode, ?array $variables = null)
* Returns type definition for given AST Type node.
* @param callable(string): ?Type $typeLoader
* @param NamedTypeNode|ListTypeNode|NonNullTypeNode $inputTypeNode
* @throws \Exception
* @api
static function typeFromAST(callable $typeLoader, GraphQL\Language\AST\Node $inputTypeNode): ?GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type
* Returns the operation within a document by name.
* If a name is not provided, an operation is only returned if the document has exactly one.
* @api
static function getOperationAST(GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode $document, ?string $operationName = null): ?GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode
* Provided a collection of ASTs, presumably each from different files,
* concatenate the ASTs together into batched AST, useful for validating many
* GraphQL source files which together represent one conceptual application.
* @param array<DocumentNode> $documents
* @api
static function concatAST(array $documents): GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode
Prints the contents of a Schema in schema definition language.
All sorting options sort alphabetically. If not given or false
, the original schema definition order will be used.
@phpstan-type Options array{ sortArguments?: bool, sortEnumValues?: bool, sortFields?: bool, sortInputFields?: bool, sortTypes?: bool, }
@see \GraphQL\Tests\Utils\SchemaPrinterTest
GraphQL\Utils\SchemaPrinter Methods¶
* @param array<string, bool> $options
* @phpstan-param Options $options
* @api
* @throws \JsonException
* @throws Error
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @throws SerializationError
static function doPrint(GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema, array $options = []): string
* @param array<string, bool> $options
* @phpstan-param Options $options
* @api
* @throws \JsonException
* @throws Error
* @throws InvariantViolation
* @throws SerializationError
static function printIntrospectionSchema(GraphQL\Type\Schema $schema, array $options = []): string